photoA recent Computer Science PhD graduate from the University of California, San Diego. My thesis proposed methods to improve computational efficiency of deep learning models. I'm a proponent of open-source software and an avid self-hoster.
I'm seeking jobs in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence. My latest CV.
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A Neuro-Symbolic Architecture for Efficient Classification using Hyperdimensional Computing
Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Tajana Rosing
Federated Hyperdimensional Computing
Kazim Ergun, Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Tajana Rosing
ACM TIoT (under review)
Multi-label classification with Hyperdimensional Representations
Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, F Asgareinjad, J Morris, T Rosing
IEEE Access Journal
Fhdnn: Communication efficient and robust federated learning for aiot networks
R Chandrasekaran, K Ergun, J Lee, D Nanjunda, J Kang, T Rosing
Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference
Hdnn-pim: Efficient in memory design of hyperdimensional computing with feature extraction
A Dutta, S Gupta, B Khaleghi, R Chandrasekaran, W Xu, T Rosing
Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
A drone-based system for intelligent and autonomous homes
S Xia, R Chandrasekaran, Y Liu, C Yang, TS Rosing, X Jiang
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
Best Demo
Efficient Sparse Processing for Smart Home Applications
Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Yunhui Guo, Anthony Thomas, Masimiliano Menarini, Michael Ostertag, Tajana Rosing
ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys)
A Scalable System for Apportionment and Tracking of Energy Footprints in Commercial Buildings
Peter Wei, Xiaoqi Chen, Jordan Vega, Stephen Xia, Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Xiaofan Jiang
ACM Transaction on Sensor Networks (TSON)
PAWS: A Wearable Acoustic System for Pedestrian Safety
Daniel de Godoy, Bashima Islam, Stephen Xia, Md Tamzeed Islam, Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Yen-Chun Chen, Shahriar Nirjon, Peter R Kinget, Xiaofan Jiang
Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI)
Paws: A wearable acoustic system for pedestrian safety.
Daniel de Godoy, Bashima Islam, Stephen Xia, Md Tamzeed Islam, Rishikanth Chandrasekaran, Yen-Chun Chen, Shahriar Nirjon, Peter R Kinget, Xiaofan Jiang
IEEE/ACM Third International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI)
ePrints a real-time and scalable system for fair apportionment and tracking of personal energy footprints in commercial buildings
P Wei, X Chen, J Vega, S Xia, R Chandrasekaran, X Jiang
ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys)
Best Paper Runner Up
Adaptive and Personalized Energy Saving Suggestions for Occupants in Smart Buildings
P Wei, X Chen, R Chandrasekaran, F Song, X Jiang
ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys)
Best Poster
SEUS: A Wearable Multi-Channel Acoustic Headset Platform to Improve Pedestrian Safety
R Chandrasekaran, D de Godoy, S Xia, MT Islam, B Islam, S Nirjon, P Kinget, X Jiang
ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys)
Personal energy footprint in shared building environment
P Wei, X Chen, R Chandrasekaran, F Song, X Jiang
International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)
Low-cost intelligent gesture recognition engine for audio-vocally impaired individuals
C Rishikanth, H Sekar, G Rajagopal, R Rajesh, V Vijayaraghavan
Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC)